Acrisure Logo (Blue Horizontal)

NHC. There is a Difference.

We wouldn’t be America’s number one surety bond provider if we weren’t also leading the way in
experience, knowledge, service, and commitment. Being the best through and through — it’s the only
way we know how to be.

Our People

We have the largest staff of experienced professionals – larger than any other agency, larger than many surety companies.

  • Our Specialists have more than 480 years of Surety Experience
  • Our Specialists have over 16 years of Agency experience providing industry-leading surety solutions
  • Our Specialists average 12 years of Surety Company experience
  • Our CSR’s average 17 years of Surety experience

Our Customers

All of the above plus:Whether you need your first bond or as an established company you are looking to obtain greater capacity and better terms, our customized solutions help you better than anyone

  • Range from first time bond user to Publicly traded companies
  • Work throughout the United States, Europe and Latin America
  • Offer bonds ranging from $5,000 to in excess of $500,000,000
  • Bonds for Public Private Partnerships (P3), GAP financed projects and t 8A, SBA, SDV or like set aside programs.

Our Business

We represent more leading sureties than any other agency, period.

Agency Philosophy

Our Agency admires good sportsmanship, integrity, hard work, kindness, and excellence. Employees who do
not share these values will probably not be happy working here. We want those employees who do
share these values to be happier with us than with any other organization.

Clients Come First

Our Agency admires good sportsmanship, integrity, hard work, kindness, and excellence. Employees who do not share these values will probably not be happy working here. We want those employees who do share these values to be happier with us than with any other organization.


We spend a large part of our waking hours at work. Satisfaction in work progress and product should be accompanied by professional friendship with co-workers. Someone who does good quality work, but does not cooperate with co-workers and make the office a more pleasant place to spend time can never be successful in this agency. We must make each other and every client feel good about working with us.

Fix Things

We must all assume responsibility for any problems we see in the agency. Suggestions, elbow grease, cooperation, and enthusiasm are priceless and appreciated greatly. Hiding problems make them worse. Speaking up about problems takes courage that we respect and will reward.

Act Professionally

Our office strives to present a professional and relaxed face. We want to dress, speak and work with one another in a respectful, professional manner at all times.

Sense of Urgency

Delay destroys excellence. Backlogs are much harder to cure than to prevent. Do not let any backlog build. We do not admire or reward employees that “go it alone”. Ask for help and offer it when necessary.

Sense of Order

Piles of work and disorder create stress and show a lack of control. Everyone performs better in an environment that is calm and neat. Please be serious about the appearance of your desk, work area, and the office in general. Take responsibility for common areas. Our office space should always look as though we were expecting our most important visitor.

Make Us Better

We are proud of our agency, but everyone and everything can be improved. Never hesitate to make suggestions to enhance our productivity and the quality of our product. An idea that doesn’t work is better than no idea at all.

Be Proud of Us

Our agency is a business family. People feel best about their jobs when they’re proud of their organization and its accomplishments. When our agency is mentioned outside of the office we all should be able to speak about it knowledgeably and with pride.

Corporate Core Values

  1.  Integrity, honesty, and forthrightness with employees, customers, markets, and vendors.
  2. All who work at NHC should find satisfaction in their daily activities. A workforce happy and satisfied with their jobs should create as closely as possible a “zero” employee turnover.
  3. Where possible, NHC will compensate its employees on a basis that is as reflective as possible of the activities of that particular position.
  4. Service to our customers is the most important activity of all employees.
  5. All who visit our offices, whether customers or markets are treated as honored guests.
  6. Continued education is the basis for maintaining the skills necessary to be the number one bond-producing agency in the state of Florida and eventually in the United States. Every effort will be made to provide and sponsor educational activities for all employees.
  7. We do all possible to assist employees who encounter personal problems and needs. As a matter of fact, it is our policy to go out of our way to take a proactive approach to make certain that we are doing everything possible when our assistance would lighten a burden or improve the quality of their lives.
  8. The financial obligations of NHC shall be addressed on a prompt and fair basis. Perfect credit is an essential and mandatory objective.
  9. Our principle emphasis on the overall management of our business is revenue-based. Expenses will be dealt with on a logical basis but are not the basis of our financial success. Prosperity and employee contentment is achieved when we are working together for the purpose of obtaining new revenue and new growth. Everyone is interested in being part of a successful organization that is considered the preeminent company in their particular line of business. Being #1 in our business is not just an objective, but a value that we have instilled in all employees.
  10. In every situation, the welfare of our employees is more important than the profitability of our company. A satisfied, motivated, and content workforce will always lead to profitable operations.

Companies We Represent

Our strength not only lies in our people, but in the company we keep. And since we represent the leading surety companies nationwide, our strength translates into greater capacity and better terms. It also enables us to adapt quickly to changing markets and respond just as quickly with well thought out plans.


Agency Philosophy

Our core philosophy revolves around three key words – integrity, dedication and excellence. The reason companies look up to us is because we continually look after them. We guarantee that no other company, nationwide, will provid you with better service and we work hard every day to improve the quality of the work that we do.


iPad Appt

Nielson, Hoover & Company’s fast and convenient mobile application “#1 Bond Request” is a free app that allows you to quickly and easily submit a bond request from any location no matter how remote. This app was created so you can request a Bid or Performance and Payment Bonds anywhere, anytime.