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Subdivision Express Program (SEP)

The SEP program has a single and aggregated limit for all bonds up to $1,000,000.
This program may be used for multiple bonds for the same subject based on
the underwriting requirements detailed below.

Underwriting Requirements by Bond Limit UP TO $250,000

  • Fully completed subdivision application with indemnity from:
    • The special purpose entity that owns the property being developed
    • All owners/partners with ownership percentage > 10%
  • Copy of the obligee’s bond form
    • No forfeiture or pay-on-demand forms
    • Copy of the partnership or LLC agreement
    • Positive corporate/personal credit review for all owners

$250,001 – $500,000

All of the above plus:
  • Evidence of financing for improvements
  • Copy of engineer’s estimate of cost for improvements
  • Corporate financial statement for the special purpose entity
  • Financial statements on the owner(s)
  • Tax returns on the owner(s)

$500,001 – $1,000,000

All of the above plus:

  • Bank set-aside letter or evidence that owner(s) has/have funds to support site improvement costs in excess of 2.5x engineer’s estimated costs
  • Copy of appraisal / recent valuation of property being developed
  • Copy of the construction contract with contractor completing the improvements w/copies of any performance/payment bonds


Companies We Represent

Our strength not only lies in our people, but in the company we keep. And since we represent the leading surety companies nationwide, our strength translates into greater capacity and better terms. It also enables us to adapt quickly to changing markets and respond just as quickly with well thought out plans.


Agency Philosophy

Our core philosophy revolves around three key words – integrity, dedication and excellence. The reason companies look up to us is because we continually look after them. We guarantee that no other company, nationwide, will provid you with better service and we work hard every day to improve the quality of the work that we do.


iPad Appt

Nielson, Hoover & Company’s fast and convenient mobile application “#1 Bond Request” is a free app that allows you to quickly and easily submit a bond request from any location no matter how remote. This app was created so you can request a Bid or Performance and Payment Bonds anywhere, anytime.