When you refer a family member or friend to The Starr Group and they mention your name, we’ll give you a $25 restaurant.com gift certificate!*
*One reward per referral. Loyal customers who choose to keep and use the restaurant certificate are not eligible for the gas card. Loyal customers who choose the gas card forfeit the restaurant certificate.
If your friend or coworker signs on with The Starr Group, you can TRADE IN that restaurant certificate for a $20 Gas Card INSTEAD.** They must mention you by name!
**A Referral MUST sign on as a NEW Customer with The Starr Group for a loyal customer to be eligible for the Gas Card.
To say “Thank You” when a successful referral is made, we will also email a link to you for a $10 eGift Card*** good for one of over 85 popular online vendors of your choice!
**See vendor selection at www.tangocard.com/reward-catalog/