
Video Production Insurance

Do You Need Production Insurance?

If you’re a filmmaker, commercial videographer, or producer, then you probably know—the answer is an emphatic yes. With so many parties involved in your project, it’s important to cover all your bases when it comes to legal, contractual, and asset protection matters.

  • Legal: Most states have laws requiring production companies to have some form of insurance. We provide solid protection to meet your state’s particular needs. For example, we offer reasonable rates on workers’ compensation packages. Rates vary by level of risk involved.
  • Contractual: Many contracts specifically demand production insurance. Beyer will ensure that you fulfill all the contractual requirements.
  • Asset protection: With so many different hands on deck, it’s wise to safeguard yourself from liability for people in the crew or cast and from damage to things like production equipment.

Beyer insurers will tailor your policy to your unique needs, whether it’s on a short-term, long-term, or annual basis. You can count on us to alleviate stress from your production by recommending the most customized policy possible, no matter what kind of budget you have.

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What Does It Cover?

We offer everything you need to cover your production, including:

  • General Liability Insurance
  • Equipment Insurance
  • Errors and Omissions Insurance
  • Cast Coverage
  • Stunt Coverage
  • Workers Compensation

And no matter what or where you’re shooting, our worldwide coverage options will make sure you are fully protected. Whether you’re working in a foreign country or on a boat at sea, we’ve got you covered. Literally.

Beyer Insurance Agency lets you take your mind off liability concerns, freeing you to focus solely on doing what it takes to make the best product possible.